Legal warning
This website belongs to Francisco Aranega Fernandez with VAT/Tax ID 18966104M and is located at Calle Herrero, 9, postal code 12002, in Castellón, Castellón, España, with email: Its purpose is to provide the general public with information about its activities, services, and product features./p>
Francisco Aranega Fernandez reserves the right to make changes to the information on its website or its configuration and presentation at any time and without prior notice.
Francisco Aranega Fernandez is not responsible for any consequences, damages, or harm arising from accessing this website, using its information, or accessing other materials on the internet through links on this site.
All intellectual property rights to elements included on this website, including but not limited to photographs, designs, melodies, applications, and others, exclusively belong to Francisco Aranega Fernandez. Accessing this website does not grant authorization for their use, and unauthorized use may result in civil and/or criminal liability.
Any references on this website to third-party products, services, processes, links, hyperlinks, or any information using the trademark, trade name, manufacturer, or supplier owned by third parties do not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Francisco Aranega Fernandez.
In general, relationships with our customers resulting from the provision of services on our website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.